Why even blogger?
- 1 minA Blog? Really?
It is indeed true that blogs are dead and we live on the surge of podcasts, tictocks and X’s quick and fast consumption. Then why bother with long posts? The idea is simply to put black on white the thoughts of somebody who bothers about too many things and wants to discuss them slowly. Just like my friend Marmotian uses to do (if you do not know him, please visit his blog) here. In traditional silviculture we are taught to ask the forests a bunch of questions when we set our foot in one. “Who are you?”, “What were you in the past?”, “Where are you going in the future?”. Sounds silly, but this is a first step into self-awareness before taking any decisions about what should be done. Then why not taking some time do ask the right questions and perhaps discuss a little?
Topics, thoughts, beyond dogmas and times
I will probably write about:
- Silviculture today and in the future
- Forest practices
- Hi-story of forest ecology and silviculcure
- Working with wood
- Perspectives on Academia seen with the eyes of a person without the proper pedigree
I promise, posts will not be short nor boring :-)